Use Olive Oil For The Improve Memory

Add olive oil or nuts to our Mediterranean diet (rich in fruits, vegetables, fish, cereals and low in red meats) can help sharpen your mind.

Use Olive Oil For The Improve Memory

Such as olive oil and nuts the average age of the participants in the study was 67 and yet results were. That same "never too late to change your diet and improve your brain".

Well, you may think that we sweep for House. But the truth is that the director of the Center of Cognitive Health at Mont Sinai Hospital of New York (Dr. Sam Gandy), stated that "the positive effects on the heart and brain of eating less red meat and more chicken, fish and vegetables are so demonstrated that I do not recommend to my patients the Mediterranean diet".

Both olive oil and nuts have been associated with mental benefits in other studies as of the Dr. Ros, which collected data from nearly 450 people of the third age between 2003 and 2009. The average age was 67-year-old, but this time all the participants had high risk of disease of the heart but no associated to the brain or memory.

The participants were randomly selected to add 1 liter of oil from extra virgin olive per week to your diet will, or add to this diet instead of oil, 30 grams a day from a mix of walnuts and almonds. The rest of the guests were limited to follow a low-fat diet.

To test the effects, became a test of memory and attention to 350 of the investigated subject. The participants followed the diet for 4 years on average. In the group who followed the Mediterranean diet were observed improvements in reasoning and memory.

Samantha Heller, nutritionist at the University of New York, explains good fats from foods such as nuts or extra virgin olive oil, to play a crucial role in the functioning of the brain and health in general. And it is that these foods protect nerve cells in the brain. Each nerve cell in the brain is covered by a thin layer of fat called myelin coating. She is in charge of protecting the structure and promote the interaction between neurons.

The brain receives that fat from what we eat, so the better we eat, more protected will be our cells.

And this sure that sounds. Oleic acid is one of the main components of the myelin sheath. And you can find it in olive oil, nuts, almonds, peanuts or avocado.

Also plays an important role the Omega-3 fatty acid (also sounds, really?) found in fish and soya derivatives. It has shown that Omega-3s may reduce the risk of Alzheimer's.

In conclusion: If what we have at home is the best thing, forget about inventions of famous and rare diets / you and eat your fish baked.

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