Now Apple Releases Ios 9 – Here's the news

Today released Apple's new mobile operating system users. Ios 9 offers many new features - this is the most important.

"News" is a new app from Apple that will be available on all iOS 9 units. It aggregates news from leading news sources based on your interests, but so far it only applies news sources in the US, UK and Australia.
  • "Notes" has also evolved considerably. Checklists, images and hand drawings will go to post.
  • Apple's "Maps", support for public transport in selected cities and will thus be able to suggest how best to transport you using the train, for example.
  • The own mail app "Mail" also receives support for attachments. So you can attach images or documents, either from the device or cloud services like Dropbox, directly to the recipient.
  • "Proactive Suggestions" launched and should make life easier for the user. An example is that if for example you have a habit of listening to music every morning, the iPhone will eventually learn that when you plug in your headphones, the start musikappen.
  • If someone calls from a number you do not have in your contact book will "Proactive Suggestions" search through your emails to see if the phone is in an earlier e-mail, and then propose the names of who it could be.
  • Voice Control function "Siri" will be even more aware of the context of the new ios 9, according to Apple. For example, you read a message and tell Siri you want to get a reminder of "this" Siri understand what it is about and add that information in a memo.
  • The search screen on the iPhone is smarter now, and filled with relevant people you might want to contact in the near vicinity and relevant news from Apple's "What's New" -App.
  • Battery life is optimized, partly thanks to light and distance sensors to know if your iPhone is face down and then prevents the screen turns on when you get a notice.

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